Well it's still a fail I'm afraid...although you could probably call it a semi-fail this time as I did have a positive come out of it!

So the girls had to move from their lodgings, and as there were no paddocks available, I had to once again rely on my beautiful friend to look after them. This means they are an hour away, so weekend visits will be it until I win the lotto and have my own land again.

I spent about a fortnight trying to get a transporter, since the yellow peril is not a great float loader. And I discovered that a short trip for a horse transporter is not something they want to do. Quote and then vanish seems to be the go. Very frustrating!

Time was running out so we decided to try loading the yellow peril in my float, despite the last effort where a so-called experienced trainer couldn't even get her up the ramp after 2 hours (that's a whole other story!). And this is where the positive happened. She did it! I wasn't too sure at first, because they snorted and carried on like twits as we led them down the driveway, not to mention the tiniest pony you have ever seen beating the crap out of the yellow peril as we left the paddock - although that bit was quite funny! So we put fat arse in, and she was standing nicely, and we were inching our way up, careful not to stress the yellow peril as once she loses her sh*t, you have no chance. A nice guy stops and offers help...a different way of pressure/release and in less than 10 minutes she was in! And standing quite calmly eating treats! Woo hoo!

She wasn't too amused by the time we arrived but it's not the easiest journey - quite hilly and some very rough patches of road. She didn't fly off though, waited until asked to come off and walked off nicely. So I'm very pleased with her! A bit more practice and it won't be an issue. I also learned a new way to ask her up so I too need some practice! You never stop learning with horses!

Hopefully this weekend will have some actual riding news to share! 🤞


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