
Well, I know you were all hoping to hear that I had defeated my lack of motivation and ridden the horse. Well unfortunately I did not!

First I was defeated by the weather. This is not a bad thing because we desperately need the rain. That's just an excuse, I hear you say, you can ride in the rain...yes, you sure can! But high winds and heavy rain are not the time for rusty horses and riders to dust off their skills. Even on the lunge. The rain had a good effect though - we have some weird green stuff coming through! Yay!

The second problem was snot. Copious amounts of snot. And it was mine. I don't know what bug it was but it floored me for a week. I could barely even get the kids to school. I actually had to drag myself to the GP...and I don't really do doctors! That could be a nurse thing of course. But I did manage to feed the fatsos, and they certainly had no complaints. At $30 per bale of hay, they better not whinge about the service! Naturally the kids got a mild case of sniffles and that was it...

Here's the girls enjoying the mud and table service. Here's hoping this snot disease clears up so I have better news next time!


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